
mercoledì 13 luglio 2016

Struttura di Richat - Guelb El Richat

Foto: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. La struttura di Richat (o Guelb El Richat) è una struttura circolare nel Deserto del Sahara, in Mauritania. Ha attratto l'attenzione fin dalle prime missioni spaziali, perché ha la forma di un grosso cerchio in una parte di deserto altrimenti vuota.
Descritta da alcuni come somigliante ad una grande ammonite, ha un diametro di quasi 50 chilometri. Inizialmente fu interpretata come il cratere di un meteorite, a causa della sua elevata circolarità, ma oggi si pensa che sia un rialzo simmetrico, messo a nudo dall'erosione. Le parti visibili della struttura sono di quarzite paleozoica.
The Richat Structure, also known as the Eye of the Sahara and Guelb er Richat, is a prominent circular feature in the Sahara desert of west–central Mauritania near Ouadane. This structure is a deeply eroded, slightly elliptical, 40-km in diameter, dome. The sedimentary rock exposed in this dome range in age from Late Proterozoic within the center of the dome to Ordovician sandstone around its edges. The sedimentary rocks comprising this structure dip outward at 10°-20°. Differential erosion of resistant layers of quartzite has created high-relief circular cuestas. Its center consists of a siliceous breccia covering an area that is at least 3 km in diameter.
This Envisat image, acquired by its MERIS instrument on 1 November 2010, captures spectacular geological phenomena in the Sahara Desert of Mauritania in northern Africa: the remarkable circular Richat structure (right), which resembles an eye from space, and a magnetic mountain, the Kediet ej Jill Mountain, Mauritania’s highest peak, visible northwest of
Exposed within the interior of the Richat structure are a variety of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. They include rhyolitic volcanic rocks, gabbros, carbonatites and kimberlites. The rhyolitic rocks consist of lava flows and hydrothermally altered tuffaceous rocks that are part of two distinct eruptive centers, which are interpreted to be the eroded remains of two maars. According to field mapping and aeromagnetic data, the gabbroic rocks form two concentric ring dikes. The inner ring dike is about 20 m in width and lies about 3 km from the center of Richat Structure. The outer ring dike is about 50 m in width and lies about 7 to 8 km from the center of this structure. Thirty-two carbonatite dikes and sills have been mapped within the Richat structure. The dikes are generally about 300 m long and typically 1 to 4 m wide. They consist of massive carbonatites that are mostly devoid of vesicles. The carbonatite rocks have been dated as having cooled between 94 to 104 million years ago. A kimberlitic plug and several sills have been found within the northern part of the Richat structure. The kimberlite plug has been dated being about 99 million years old. These intrusive igneous rocks are interpreted as indicating the presence of a large alkaline igneous intrusion that currently underlies the Richat structure and created it by uplifting the overlying rock.
This Envisat image, acquired by its MERIS instrument on 1 November 2010, captures spectacular geological phenomena in the Sahara Desert of Mauritania in northern Africa: the remarkable circular Richat structure (right), which resembles an eye from space, and a magnetic mountain, the Kediet ej Jill Mountain, Mauritania’s highest peak, visible northwest of
Spectacular hydrothermal features are a part of the Richat structure. They include the extensive hydrothermal alteration of rhyolites and gabbros and a central megabreccia created by hydrothermal dissolution and collapse. The siliceous megabreccia is at least 40 m thick in its center to only a few meters thick along its edges. The breccia consists of fragments of white to dark gray cherty material, quartz-rich sandstone, diagenetic cherty nodules, and stromatolitic limestone and is intensively silicified. The hydrothermal alteration, which created this breccia, has been dated to have occurred about 98.2 ± 2.6 million years ago using the 40Ar/39Ar method.
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Initially interpreted as an asteroid impact structure because of its high degree of circularity, it is now argued to be a highly symmetrical and deeply eroded geologic dome. Despite extensive field and laboratory studies, geologists have found a lack of any credible evidence for shock metamorphism or any type of deformation indicative of a hypervelocity extraterrestrial impact.

Coesite, an indicator of shock metamorphism, had been reported as being present in rocks samples collected from the Richat structure. As the result of the further analysis of rock samples from this structure, it was concluded that barite had been misidentified as coesite. In addition, the Richat structure lacks the annular depression that characterizes large extraterrestrial impact structures of this size. Also, it is quite different from large extraterrestrial impact structures in that the sedimentary strata comprising this structure is remarkably intact and "orderly" and lacking in overturned, steeply dipping strata or disoriented blocks. A more recent multianalytical study on the Richat megabreccias concluded that carbonates within the silica-rich megabreccias were created by low-temperature hydrothermal waters, and that the structure requires special protection and further investigation of its origin.
da: Geologie Maroc - Guelb El Richat - Mauritanie
La structure de Richat ou dôme de Richat, surnommé « l'œil de l'Afrique » ou traditionnellement Guelb er Richât, près de Ouadane en Mauritanie en plein désert du Sahara, est une ancienne « énigme scientifique » de 50 km de diamètre, qui ne s'observe pleinement que depuis l'espace. Largement révélé en 1965 par une mission Gémini américaine, ce serait d'après les dernières interprétations scientifiques géologiques1, le résultat d'un phénomène volcanique géant, vieux de 100 millions d'années (Crétacé), totalement effondré à la suite d'une longue érosion différentielle.